Hello my brothers and sisters, I bring you greetings from the most high. I hope we are good.

Please, I just want to encourage us to be steadfast with the things of God. The times are evil. A lot is happening and a lot will happen in this 2022.
Election is next year and as we know, this year will be crucial. Let us be very prayerful not to become a prey in the hands of the evil people. We cannot afford to move out unnecessarily. Do not go out without praying. And when you pray, listen for feedback. You can pray for God to guide you and God may say don’t go. Avoid unnecessary night movement too.
Let us keep our covenant time. It may sound simple but many of you can’t keep it.

We must spend time with God daily.

Do not rely on any pastor for prayers. The safest way is to have a direct relationship with God. You cannot assign your responsibility to another person. Let’s not allow the enemy to capitalize on our weakness.
If you are not hearing from God, you are in danger. Your pastor maybe able to advice you about major issues like business, marriage or any of those major stuff, but he can’t tell which road to pass as you are driving home today. Only God can talk to you real time. That’s why you cannot contract your life out to another person.
Let us live a Christian life. Let us be pure in our thought, word, and deed. The devil is a very sound lawyer but many people don’t know. He knows how to present his case against us. Don’t assume that Jesus, out advocate is with you. Be sure!
We are  singing “Satan don fall for gutter”. The doesn’t fall in the gutter. He is the one that digs gutter. He has the technology for that. So you need to understand that we are not dealing with a novice. We must be prepared all the time.
“Now Jesus was telling the disciples a parable to make the point that at all times they ought to pray and not give up and lose heart,”
Luke 18:1 AMP
Stay with God
Osoria Hilary Asibor
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