“Nothing Dey Happen”, A Demonic Concept Adopted By The Church.
“Nothing Dey Happen” is a popular statement in Nigeria. It literally means – Nothing is happening and nothing will happen. It is a way of saying – you are covered from every form of harm.
The statement became popular when a popular music artist in Nigeria adopted it as his personal slang. He said it before and during most performances. Gradually, Nigerians became used to the statement and the meaning was saved in our subconscious as the truth.
The statement was used for years by a campus cult group in Nigeria according to research. Whenever there were new students on campus, this cult group like every other cult group approached new students and tried to convince them to belong to their cult group. They will tell these new student something like – “if you join us, you are covered in this campus. As far as you are with us, nothing dey happen.”
Consequently, all those who decided to join this particular cult group, carried the mindset of “nothing dey happen”. This mindset gives the individual a certain level of boldness and self-confidence. The downside of this kind of orientation is that it makes the individual also loose guard. To loose guard is to stop being careful to avoid danger. It makes the individual to trust an unverified protection promised by the cult.
The calamity that always follow such orientation is that, whenever there is a cult war on campus, those who have always believed that “nothing dey happen” are caught naked and unprepared. They are killed easily by the rival group. Those who managed to survive the war are left with more questions than answers. They learn by tragic experience. This is the story of the slogan – Nothing Dey Happen.
Unfortunately, this concept has entered the church and it has occupied the pulpit for many years with countless victims to show for it.
The Church has renamed the concept of “Nothing Dey Happen” and it is now the new definition of Grace. Grace originally defines the gift of unmerited love of God to man. Grace is what defines God’s relationship with man. It is by grace man can communicate with God. By grace, man can be chastised by God to obtain wisdom.
But this grace has now been misinterpreted to mean – nothing dey happen. Which means as Christians, we are covered from every danger and free to live as we deem fit.
But what does the bible say about the life of a Christian?
Be careful, else, you will fall – 1 Corinthians 10:20.
Stay alert. The devil is looking for who to kill – 1Peter 5:8.
Redeem the time, for the days are evil – Ephesians 5:16.
Be careful, Satan masquerades himself as the angel of light – 2Corinthians 11:14.
Christians are dying untimely and more frequently these days, a fact that cannot be denied. What has changed? We all agree that God cannot change. Our Christianity has changed. Even when it is the will of God, it will not be by assumption. God will always make it known. You cannot lose a loved one suddenly without hearing from God and assume it is the will of God. That’s not how God operates.
Not everything that happens to a Christian is the will of God. Both “good” and “evil”.
Grace of God is not an approval for prayerlessness. The grace of God is not an approval for spiritual laziness. It is not an approval for prayer contracting.
People are not taught to be careful anymore. They are not taught to be prepared for the adversary. It is time to bring the grace of God to its original meaning. A lot of Christians have lost their lives to this misunderstanding. We have played down on the abilities of the devil for too long that Christians no longer see reasons to pray.
A soldier will not receive intelligence report that terrorists are approaching and still continue playing ludo. Except he was wrongly told that the terrorists are only passing by.
The body of Christ must be told the truth. The life of a Christian is like that of a soldier in a war front. There is no time for frivolities. One must know what the enemy is up to at every given time. You cannot leave your phone dead and expect to receive signal. You cannot stay away from physical exercise and be able to run when the need arises.
A soldier who is not trained cannot read signals, even if he receives signals by grace. Joseph got a signal to flee the city and he did.
Peter got a signal and he understood it and implemented it. That changed the scope of their ministry forever. Something that was an abomination before the revelation came.
Sometimes the infantry can send signal to the airforce that they are proceeding to a particular area and then request for air backup. If the airforce responds that the area is not clear or the backup is not ready, the infantry must remain in position without advancing.
But the average Christian knows nothing about feedback. They are not aware that it is possible to pray and God will still not approve the movement. They go and never return. They are taught that once you pray and have faith, that is all.
Satellite imaging cannot tell you what the enemy is planning in their minds until they start to implement. And there are some attacks that you need time to prepare for. If you wait till the enemy starts to implement, it will be too late.
Many Christians wait till they see calamity coming before running to God and in many occasions, they run in the wrong direction. Sometimes they cannot build the requisite faith to withstand such evil. I have seen people who God told they had cancer even when the best of technologies could not detect it. They went on to quickly address it in God’s presence.
I have said all the above to say this; it is time for Christians to know that it is no longer business as usual. They must be told the truth that the enemy is powerful and can kill anyone who is not under God’s wing. And to be under God’s wing, we have a serious role to play.
Every Christian must have a personal relationship with God. The era of relying on a third party has passed. Every Christian must be able to hear directly from God to be able to navigate through life.
John 10:27-28 “My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me.”
If you cannot hear his voice, you are not his sheep. The good thing is that everyone has the grace to hear him.
Philippians 2:12b
“…work out your own salvation with FEAR and TREMBLING.
God bless you brother. 🙏
God bless you too brother
God bless you brother